Welcome to Literary Druid

Literary Druid is an international journal that destinies to foster research and creative writing in English. It welcomes all nationals to contribute for learning and research purposes. The perspective of Literary Druid is to create a niche platform for academicians and patrons to share their intellect to enrich English language and Literature. I welcome all to learn and share.

Aims and Scope

Literary Druid is a peer-reviewed open access international journal. It is published four times in a year and covers all areas of English such as History of English Language and Culture, ELT, Linguistics, Criticism, Literature, Creative writing in English Language, Literature and Psychology, Women in English Literature, Eco-criticism, Comparative Literature, World Literatures in English Translation and all relevant areas related to the core area.

Call for Papers

Literary Druid invites academic researchers, scholars, and authors to submit their original research articles and creative works to publish in the peer-reviewed international research journal. All papers will be peer-reviewed and published online with the available Pdf version. We maintain open access to all published research papers and other works. Due to unavoidable reasons Vol 4, Iss 3 July 2022 is published as Volume- 4, Issue- 3, August-2022. From 2023 this publishing schedule will be followed.

Initial Submission Accepted from 1st November 2024      (of the future year)
Final Submission Accepted 30th December 2024    (of the future year)
E-Publication 26th January 2025        (of the future year)
Initial Submission Accepted from 1st February 2025        (of the future year)
Final Submission Accepted 30th March 2025          (of the future year)
E-Publication 26th April 2025             (of the future year)
Initial Submission Accepted from 1st May 2025               (of the future year)
Final Submission Accepted 30th June 2025            (of the future year)
E-Publication 26th July 2025             (of the future year)
Initial Submission Accepted from 1st August 2025           (of the future year)
Final Submission Accepted 30th September 2025  (of the future year)
E-Publication 26th October 2025       (of the future year)

Publisher Website Link : https://pandianeducationaltrust.com/journals.html

To submit, send your research paper to literarydruid@gmail.com for review. After completion and publication, author(s) will be issued: 

  • Digital publication Certificate
  • Complete Journal (PDF)
