Editorial Policy And Ethical Guidelines

Ethical Policies

Motto: Learn and Share in the Green Perspective

Publishing Frequency

Initial Submission Accepted from 1st November 2024     (of the future year)
Final Submission Accepted 30th December 2024    (of the future year)
E-Publication 26th January 2025        (of the future year)
Initial Submission Accepted from 1st February 2025        (of the future year)
Final Submission Accepted 30th March 2025          (of the future year)
E-Publication 26th April 2025             (of the future year)
Initial Submission Accepted from 1st May 2025               (of the future year)
Final Submission Accepted 30th June 2025            (of the future year)
E-Publication 26th July 2025             (of the future year)
Initial Submission Accepted from 1st August 2025           (of the future year)
Final Submission Accepted 30th September 2025  (of the future year)
E-Publication 26th October 2025       (of the future year)

Open Access Policy

Literary Druid is an Open Access International Journal because our journal is a publication model that enables the propagation of research articles to the global learned community without any mode of restriction through the internet. The Author/Author’s Institution/Research Funds should cover the publication costs. At the same time, the authors who publish in Literary Druid retain the copyright of their article. All of the articles published under open access and can be accessed by anyone with internet access with a suggestion THINK BEFORE PRINT to save trees and environment.

Budapest Open Access Initiative | Budapest Open Access Initiative

Article Copyright and Licensing

The article published in the journal gives the author(s) of the article to retain the copyright of article. They may republish the article as part of a book or other materials. While reusing the published article, author(s) have to cite the original source of the publication. i.e. Cite that the article was originally published in the journal Literary Druid.

The articles published by the journal are licensed by Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. See for clarification.

Publication Ethics

Literary Druid requires all authors to adhere to the ethical standards required for research writing. Specifically, the journal requires all authors to adhere to the ethical standards as prescribed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Promoting integrity in scholarly research and its publication | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics. The publisher will take necessary steps for the research misconduct and research misconduct will be dealt in a professional manner to ensure justice to original research and publication ethics. If the journal finds any research delinquency that hinders research and academic publishing, the article will be retracted. For the sake of corrections in the article, it can be made with a request to the editor by mail. 

Repository Policy

The Journal abides to the rules of Mir@bel and Sherpa/Romeo and is indexed in them.

Archiving Policy

The Journal articles are archived in 'Internet Archive' for Long-term Preservation.


The person who does not meet authorship requirement as specified by the editorial policy or the elimination of a person who meets the requirement is a violation of ethical requirements of the journal and will be prosecuted in due of it. The author should take all responsibility if his/her work is found an intellectual theft and be the one to endure judicial prosecution.

Submission, Review, And Publication Processes

Submission Process

All submissions to Literary Druid must be made electronically via the E-mail to the editor.

To Authors

Literary Druid publishes full-length research articles, book reviews, translations, creative writing and other authentic language and literary writings in English.

A full list of references in English is mandatory. Citation of the article should be in MLA style for Literature studies, APA for scientific methods. The details of acknowledgement, conflict of interest and financial support should be given at the end of the article. The authors are obliged to provide details as per the checklist.

Preparing of Your Manuscript

Initial to submission, ensure that your manuscript falls within the scope of the journal. All original works must be written in good English. Poorly written submissions will be rejected. Abstracts with keywords ought to be sent with the full paper for the peer-review process. The manuscripts should be prepared in Times New Roman, 12 font, single-line spacing not more than 6-12 pages. No numbering to Headings, Subheadings, Sections, and Subsections. Major headings ought to be in bold and block text (e.g INTRODUCTION). Utilize MLA Hand Book 8 for all sorts of research documentation.

Manuscript Submission Checklist

The checklist is recommended to the author:

The manuscripts that are not properly formatted will be returned to the author before being reviewed.

  • 12 font, Times New Roman, A4 Paper, Margin 1 on all sides.
  • Double-space all text, including references.
  • Number pages and number lines continuously.
  • All Format references in MLA style. Refer MLA 8th Edition.

Review Process

All manuscripts are considered confidential and are authentically reviewed by members of the Board of Editors, invited editors, or invited reviewers. When a manuscript is submitted, the author will be intimated through the online letter pad. Then, plagiarism check is the next step. If the paper found guilty of plagiarism, it will be rejected. If accepted it will be sent for the double-blind peer-review process. The reviewers operate under strict guidelines provided by the journal. The author will be notified generally within 4 weeks after submission of the manuscript about the decision to accept, reject, or require modification. In case of modification, the corresponding author must submit the modified one within thirty days or withdraw the manuscript. The review report will be intimated to the authors for improvement of research in them and be kept confidential by the journal.

Peer Review Policy

Literary Druid employs a meticulous peer review system. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process before publication (one International academician and one National academician).

The process consists of Pre-publication-Double blind peer review; Editors mediate the interactions between reviewers and authors; the Peer reviews are not published but kept as a document by the publisher; open access is given to all.

The reviewers will act objective to ensure the core quality of the journal. After the successful review every reviewer should extend their willingness that there is no conflict of interest. Reviewers are asked to point out relevant published work which is not yet cited in the article. They must keep the review process as confidential.


Plagiarism is not limited to the text only; it can involve any part of the manuscript, figures, and tables, in which it is copied without permission and proper attribution. in the same way, An author should not reuse his/her own formerly published work without acknowledgment. (text recycling- also known as self-plagiarism).

Literary Druid considers plagiarism a serious intellectual crime and offense. The manuscripts must be the original works of the author(s). The journal will follow the guidelines enunciated by COPE in alleged cases of plagiarism. The journal is committed to eliminating manuscripts with feasible cases of plagiarism from its review and publication process. The journal uses Plagiarism Checker X  to check each manuscript for possible cases of plagiarism. Plagiarism check will be the first step in the manuscript review process. The Manuscripts that are found with similarity to other published works are immediately rejected. 

Kindly refer to the link: ( OR to identify questionable writing practices and to avoid it. 

Retraction Policy and Correction Policy

Retractions will be done to the articles which has questionable practices in writing the paper and a complaint letter will be forwared to the institution of the author to rectify the problem. Corrections, clarifications and apologies will be taken into concern via proper channel (head/Supervisor of the Institution) for genuine cases and the matter will be aptly done and announced.

Acceptance Certificate

Authors will be issued an Acceptance Certificate for manuscripts that have been reviewed and accepted for publication by the editor. 

Manuscript Fee

Authors are required to pay the manuscript fee after the manuscripts have been Peer-reviewed and accepted for publication (after getting the Acceptance Certificate) from the editor.

The fee is 5000 INR and is subjected to change according to the tax and economic fluctuation. Other Nationals calculate according to your nationality value of the prescribed INR. There is no charge for the submission fee. The journal may grant waivers to deserving research scholars.


Once the proofs are received, the manuscripts are usually included in the next issue of the journal. Thereafter, it will be published on the journal’s website.

Publication copy to the Author(s)

After publishing online, an e-copy of the journal will be sent to the corresponding author with links to the issue and article. Kindly print if it is needed for documentation because as our main scope is to avoid paper printing.


We will provide e-certificate of publishing to the corresponding person.

Institutional Subscription

Contact Editor for digital gateway subscription. An authentic certificate will be issued to the institution.

Metadata of every issue, special issue incase, citation status and world wide visibility of the articles will be credited to the institution to promote research and publication ethics. Notifications will be send on this regard after every issue to the concerned library of the institution. Some times if needed hard copy may be provided for those pay the subscription to get it as a record.

Special Issues

LITERARY DRUID is an online-only international journal, offers open access to all content online to foster research, learning and to preserve ecological values through ethical publishing. We publish three special issues per year and the special issues are included among the regular issues annually. In view of that, we aim for special issues that are likely to attract enough high-quality papers to justify by creating a dedicated issue on a particular topic.

Guide to the Requirements and Process of a Special Issue

A special issue is a collection of papers, organized and edited by the special issue editor, on a specific topic of critical importance. A special issue often has between 35- 70 papers. In extraordinary circumstances based on the response, a double issue is also possible. Papers are assumed to be in 6 to 12 pages in length - research methodology included.

If you are interested in leading a special issue, you should contact the editors'-in-chief to discuss whether the topic and particular timeline that you wish to propose. The following procedures should be followed for accepted special issues.

The Special Issue editor or editors have to provide with the following information:

  • Due date for the first drafts
  • Due date for Review
  • First decision on each paper
  • Final decision on each paper
  • The chief editor’s order of the papers to be published
  • List of reviewers names with affiliation
  • An overview that describes the purpose of special issue by the special issue lead editor(s)
  • Final papers ought to be entered into the journal’s online system
  • The Topic area or title of the  special issue
  • Authentic contact information for special issue editor/editors

The following steps can all be done electronically.

  • Call for papers go out often  3-6 months to respond on part of authors. This is done by sending out a mass email to the target scholarly community/society/institution. These emails are sent by the special issue editor and editor-in-chief. If the period is long, another call is often sent out 3-5 months before the end.
  • All papers are reviewed by one or three reviewers of which one can be the special issue editor or editors).
  • Special issue editor sends papers to reviewers, reads reviews and decides what to do with the received papers:
    • accept papers
    • revise and resubmit - minor revision
    • revise and resubmit - major revision
    • reject
  • SI editor also checks paper format, grammatical changes needed, and checks format of references all through the paper.
  • Letters to authors, with the decision, are sent out by SI editor. This can be done through on-line submission.
  • Revised papers are resubmitted for the second round but the second reviews usually are not done for special issue - but can be for papers with major revision. SI editor should handle this promptly.
  • SI editor determines which of the papers will appear in the volume. This ordering should be aligned, typed in Times New Roman, 2 Spacing, and 12 fonts in the word document and be put in a zipped word document.
  • SI editor writes a forward letter for the special issue usually 1-2 Pages to publish the papers to the chief editor. This forward is sent to the editor along with the final packet.
  • SI editor makes the decision and submits them to the editor-in-chief. Carefully note there is no production or publication now.
  • Editor informs/replies the SI editor.
  • Copies of reviews are sent to editor-in-chief and these can be sent as a set, zip format. The final versions of the papers can be submitted in either of the following ways:

Note: The Editors’-in-Chief will finalize the acceptance and publication of papers.